Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Ant and Other Farm Stories: Noble's Deeds

illustrations by jodi maas

Noble, a Labrador black as the night
oversees all life on the farm.
With the sun, he bounds across the land.
With the moon, he makes sure none see harm.

With great pride, he meanders across the old farm 
sniffing out every scent to be found. 
With a wag of his tail and a bark here and there, 
he covers each inch of the ground.

His name is quite apt, as you will see. 
For his kindness and courage he’s known. 
From the time he was only a wee, little pup, 
a goodness he’s gallantly shown.

His coat is as shiny as silver and gold 
His tongue is as pink as a rose. 
His big, brown eyes watch with great care 
all that goes past the tip of his nose.

Now and again, there’s a rabbit to tease 
or a chicken to chase ‘round the barn. 
But then there’s a time to be sober and staid 
when Noble must guard the old farm.

A few summers back, great trouble arose 
when some children were playing with matches. 
A bale of hay caught fire in the barn. 
And we all know how quickly hay catches.

Now Noble, whose nose is as keen as they come 
was the first to smell trouble nearby. 
He raced to the barn and saw the great flames 
and barked out a loud warning cry.

The children had found their way out of the barn,
but still left were two cows and a horse. 

By now the thick smoke billowed out the barn doors 

and the flames of the fire raged full force.

From the field Farmer Jim had run to the scene 
and called for all hands that could aid. 
He knew that he:d have to go into that barn 
if those animals were to be saved.

The smoke was too thick to be able to see 
and the farmhands were set to resign, 
when into the barn ran the farmer, called Jim 
with Noble, his dog, close behind.

With wondrous speed, Noble found the poor beasts 

all huddled in fright in one section. 
He “Woofed!” and he “Woofed!” as loud as he could, 
thus guiding the farmer’s direction. 

All were saved in the end, but the barn was destroyed.
All that’s left now are three walls of stone.
Yet oddly enough, it’s a functional spot
where Noble likes burying bones.

Like the barn, it’s most certain that things come and go
and sometimes the change is alarming. 
In fact, on the day little Lauren arrived, 
Noble watched his folk buzzing and swarming

At first, Noble found this small creature a pest 
as he sat there and watched her make faces. 
But as the seasons gradually passed, 
Lauren managed to earn Noble’s graces.

Now anytime little Lauren’s at play, 
you’re sure to find Noble around 
- giving wet doggy kisses on each rosy cheek 
as they run, and they romp, and they bound.

Noble discovered change wasn’t so bad. 
It adds more to the life that he tends. 
Not only is Lauren a change that he loves, 
she’s also his very best friend.

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